
Beachbody Coach - What coaching has done for me

I'm not sure how many people actually get to do what they love, but I do. I'm not sure if you had asked me 5 years ago, or even a year ago if I really thought I could do that, if I would have said yes. Did I think I had the ability to do something I love, sure. Did I think I would really be able to do that and so much more? I'm not sure..but I knew if I never tried, the answer would always be no. I thought not having a college degree would limit me or hold me back in life. I didn't know if following a dream or being happy in what I was doing would bring me financial freedom. I looked around at other people and thought they are lucky, or they have this, or they have that going for them. I was selling myself short. Those people weren't lucky, those people were driven. They didn't have anything that I didn't have, they had just been doing things longer. They had let go of 'self doubt' and that was exactly what I needed to do. I was ME, and no one could be better at me than ME! So when Mike said 'do what makes you happy', I did just that! I'll admit, I started with baby steps not completely trusting the process...but it wasn't until I learned to just be ME, to accept the up and downs as a part of the process, to just keep doing what I was doing and all of the work would pay off. When the focus is right, magic starts to happen. It's as simple as just trying to help people. I left my full time job last August, and took a part time job to allow more time to focus on my 'dream job', being a full time Beachbody coach, where helping others achieve goals was the most important thing...where I am able to focus on health and fitness and things that truly matter to me, things I like, things that make me happy.

I'm a so excited to announce that in just over a year, I am a success business owner. I have more than replaced my salary at my 'full time' job where I had over 17 years of experience working 9-5, 40hrs. or more a week. I no longer have to be part of the rat race. I have the freedom and flexibility to work from home, make my own schedule, be my own boss, help others, all while having the financial freedom to so. That's right, I did it, and so can you. Who's next?


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