
Better at 40 than I was in my 30's! Can you see a difference??

My day started with breakfast in bed and a trip to the mall, who doesn't love that?? I got a 40 min. run in (in honor of my 40th b-day) as well as a quick 30 min workout. Les Mills PUMP, I am loving the addition of weights to my fitness plan.  Mike is taking me to dinner tonight. I can't wait and I will definitely be ordering dessert. After all, don't we all have a dessert belly?

A year ago I set a goal, to be in better shape at 40 than I was in my 30's! Really, I wanted to be in the best shape possible by my birthday and to be feel confident walking down the beach next to those 20 something year old's. ;)

In reality, there's not much I can do about things like wrinkles, gray hair, and aging in general but one thing I could control was how I took care of myself on the inside and out.
I have always been somewhat of a fitness enthusiast. Running was my hobby and I could literally run all day, I loved it that much.

 When I encountered a knee injury a few years back, it brought my running to an end and I was pretty much devastated, running was my thing! It kept me in shape, it kept me happy, it kept me...young! After a long, very long time (ok really, after pouting for about a year) I decided it was time to do something new so I started doing at home workouts.

 I had gained about 10-12 pounds during my hiatus, mainly because I hadn't changed my eating habits at all. (seriously, I can eat with the best of them) You know, over indulging in my favorite things...pizza, wings, seafood, desserts...

 I wasn't overweight, I just wasn't happy in my own skin anymore. I knew my 40th birthday was just a year away and I knew I wanted to feel great! Some people may think, a year long goal, really?? Isn't that kind of long? Not really, I knew it gave me the time I needed to achieve my goal and the ability to set up mini goals along the way that let me celebrate as I went. Over the past year, I have stayed dedicated to my goal, to my workouts, and most importantly to myself. I've even started running a little, of course staying within my doctors restrictions. :)

I am proud to say I work a full time and part time job, I am the mom of two now college students, I am 40 and I think I am the strongest I have ever been. I workout 30 to 45 mins a day, and I am still enjoying my favorite foods. I am happy, healthy and strong!

My take aways...there will always be excuses, you need to make your health a priority. I will never give up my favorite foods, all things in moderation. The scale does not define me, I hardly ever step on one. I'll always be goofy, you only live once. I will always laugh loud, its a part of me. No matter how old you are, you are only as old as you feel. Its never to late to commit to be fit. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up, its the quality of friendships that really matters.

As promised...here is my before and after. Pics are one year apart.

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