
It's me!

My name is Cyndy and I am new to the blogging world. I have started this blog so I can share my fitness journey and passion for health with others. I don't have a dramatic weight loss story and for the most part am just your average person who enjoys working out. I understand that diet is a big factor in health and wellness and I am working to make that positive change in my life too. I have to admit that before now I really didn't pay much attention to nutritional facts. Since I never really had a weight problem, I didn't consider my 'food' consumption a problem. I realize now, that what you eat plays so much more of an impact on your overall well being that just the number on the scale.

I use to be an avid runner, running 5 miles a day like it was a walk in the park, and my 10-13 miles on Saturdays were fun. I had completed the Disney marathon, Boston marathon, and was training for my 3rd marathon when I got the dreaded news from the doctor that unless I was prepared to have surgery and still possibly not be able to run...my marathon days and runs over a mile were probably done. Running had been my hobby, my 'thing' for 10 years so this news was rather devastating.

Unfortunately, my reaction was...if I am not running, I am not doing anything! Well, about a year and 15 pounds later, I realized I had to do something. I was no longer comfortable in my own skin. I felt terrible!

In May, I noticed a friend of mine had joined a Shakeology challenge and of course I HAD to ask about it. A 7 day meal replacement....and the chance to win a Polar watch, I was in. I could do anything for 7 days. Besides, it was just the motivation I needed to kick my butt in gear! The first few days were ehh, I can do this BUT by the end of the 7 days I couldn't live without the shakes. I had grown to really like the flavor and after learning they were packed full of over 70 superfoods, I knew I had to get more! I didn't win that challenge but I did go on to enter a 30 day challenge where I used shakeo each day and completed one of the beachbody workouts, Slim in 6. This challenge got me back to eating healthy, exercising daily and feeling like the old me again. Even more exciting, I won the challenge...I lost 9.5pounds and gained my confidence back. This is when I realized I was a product of the product! I believed in it and I knew I wanted to help other people achieve the same success as me and MORE. I am now a beachbody coach. I run 7 and 30 day challenges, as well as free 7 day accountability groups and I enjoy every minute of it. I am currently doing the T25 workout, its 5 days a week for 25 minutes and am down a total of 16 pounds.

Like I mentioned before, I am just your average person. There isn't anything that I have done, that anyone else couldn't do!

I hope my story can inspire others to be healthy, be active, be happy!

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